Once Upon a Dream

I’ve been fascinated by princesses for as long as I can remember! From The Little Mermaid, to The Princess Diaries, to Rapunzel, and everything in between. The Dresses and lifestyle seemed so thrilling and ideal.


Recently, the parade scene from The Princess Diaries 2 has been on my mind. For those of you who aren’t as well acquainted with this movie as I am, in this scene Mia, the heir to the Genovian throne, tells a little girl that all girls are princesses. I always thought this was an adorable moment, but lately this idea has really been resonating with me. Being a princess goes way beyond the tiara, which is something I first realized when I began training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon, so I’ve decided to start a series all about what I believe being a princess means.


This dress made me feel like a princess (the little boy who called me, “princessa,” while taking these pictures helped too!) and very Aurora-esqu, so today’s lesson will come from Sleeping Beauty, and no it will not be about getting enough sleep! The quality the makes Aurora a role model for any princess, is her ability to dream. In the context of the movie she sings about seeing her true love Phillipe, “once upon a dream,” but this can apply to so many important dreams! Having a goal, and striving to make it happen, is a very princess-like thing to do! Whether it be working towards attending your dream college, taking art lessons to hone your skills, or simply becoming a happier person, your goals are so important! So keep dreaming, and you too can say that you’ve seen your goals come true, “once upon a dream!”


What dreams are you working towards making a reality?